symbiflow_write_bitstream fails in example counter_16bit

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Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Jan 22, 2021 6:55 pm

I'm trying to run the counter_16bit example.

(base) gjones@geoff-VB-Ubuntu:/usr/local/symbiflow/quicklogic-arch-defs/tests/counter_16bit$ ql_symbiflow -compile -src $PWD -d ql-eos-s3 -t top -v counter_16bit.v -p chandalar.pcf -P PD64 -s counter_16bit.sdc

verilog files: counter_16bit.v
Running Synth->Pack->Place->Route
cd build && symbiflow_pack -e top.eblif -d ql-eos-s3_wlcsp -s /usr/local/symbiflow/quicklogic-arch-defs/tests/counter_16bit/counter_16bit.sdc 2>&1 > /usr/local/symbiflow/quicklogic-arch-defs/tests/counter_16bit/build/top.log
cd build && symbiflow_place -e top.eblif -d ql-eos-s3_wlcsp -p /usr/local/symbiflow/quicklogic-arch-defs/tests/counter_16bit/chandalar.pcf -n -P PD64 -s /usr/local/symbiflow/quicklogic-arch-defs/tests/counter_16bit/counter_16bit.sdc 2>&1 > /usr/local/symbiflow/quicklogic-arch-defs/tests/counter_16bit/build/top.log
cd build && symbiflow_route -e top.eblif -d ql-eos-s3_wlcsp -s /usr/local/symbiflow/quicklogic-arch-defs/tests/counter_16bit/counter_16bit.sdc 2>&1 > /usr/local/symbiflow/quicklogic-arch-defs/tests/counter_16bit/build/top.log
cd build && symbiflow_write_fasm -e top.eblif -d ql-eos-s3_wlcsp
VPR FPGA Placement and Routing.
Version: 8.1.0-dev+dadca7ecf
Revision: v8.0.0-rc2-2894-gdadca7ecf
Compiled: 2020-10-14T15:08:54
Compiler: GNU 7.3.0 on Linux-4.15.0-1028-gcp x86_64
Build Info: Release IPO VTR_ASSERT_LEVEL=2
... (lots of messages. No errors)
Checking to ensure routing is legal...
Completed routing consistency check successfully.

Serial number (magic cookie) for the routing is: -397596549
Circuit successfully routed with a channel width factor of 100.

Incr Slack updates 1 in 0.000128178 sec
Full Max Req/Worst Slack updates 1 in 5.419e-05 sec
Incr Max Req/Worst Slack updates 0 in 0 sec
Incr Criticality updates 0 in 0 sec
Full Criticality updates 1 in 0.000173351 sec
Writing Implementation FASM: top.fasm
The entire flow of VPR took 19.1337 seconds.
FASM extra: top_fasm_extra.fasm
cd build && symbiflow_write_bitstream -d ql-eos-s3_wlcsp -f top.fasm -P PD64 -b top.bit
Writing bitstream ...
/usr/local/symbiflow/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fasm/parser/ RuntimeWarning:
Falling back on slower textX parser implementation:
ImportError: cannot import name 'antlr_to_tuple' from 'fasm.parser' (/usr/local/symbiflow/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fasm/parser/
Please install all dependencies and reinstall with:
pip uninstall
pip install -v fasm
' pip install -v fasm'.format(e), RuntimeWarning)
(base) gjones@geoff-VB-Ubuntu:/usr/local/symbiflow/quicklogic-arch-defs/tests/counter_16bit$
Posts: 49
Joined: Thu Jun 04, 2020 1:26 am

This is a known issue, due to changes in the Symbiflow fasm. The detail of steps to address this issue is outline in the Note section, at the top of the README.rst (link ... -toolchain).

The current installation will revert back to use textx as default parser. The generate bit file is included in the build directory.

Future release of the Installer will include the steps to install antlr.
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