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QLAL4S3B "cell_macro" and possibility of simulation FPGA project

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 5:55 am
by FlyingDutch

I have one question related to using "qlal4s3b_cell_macro ". I was looking for example of communication between FPGA part and ARM MCU in "EOS S3" (by using "Wishbone Bus" 2 "AHB" bridge. I found this Github repository with examples:
and there was aeample application for "EOS S3" called "qorc_fpga_compositeGPBTctrl" - see link: ... teGPBTctrl
I built this application in "QORC-SDK" and it working fine. I develop my own simple applicatiion based on this example and I would like to simulate it in open-source "Icarus Verilog" simulator. I used "Icarus Verilog" simulator in the past and is working fine. There is just one difficulty related to using "cell_Macro" in "AL4S3B_FPGA_Top" module:
Starting from line 110 in this source file there is construct "qlal4s3b_cell_macro":

Code: Select all

        // AHB-To-FPGA Bridge
        .WBs_ADR                   ( WBs_ADR                        ), // output [16:0] | Address Bus                   to   FPGA
        .WBs_CYC                   ( WBs_CYC                        ), // output        | Cycle Chip Select             to   FPGA
        .WBs_BYTE_STB              ( WBs_BYTE_STB                   ), // output  [3:0] | Byte Select                   to   FPGA
        .WBs_WE                    ( WBs_WE                         ), // output        | Write Enable                  to   FPGA
        .WBs_RD                    ( WBs_RD                         ), // output        | Read  Enable                  to   FPGA
        .WBs_STB                   ( WBs_STB                        ), // output        | Strobe Signal                 to   FPGA
        .WBs_WR_DAT                ( WBs_WR_DAT                     ), // output [31:0] | Write Data Bus                to   FPGA
        .WB_CLK                    ( WB_CLK                         ), // input         | FPGA Clock                    from FPGA
        .WB_RST                    ( WB_RST                         ), // output        | FPGA Reset                    to   FPGA
        .WBs_RD_DAT                ( WBs_RD_DAT                     ), // input  [31:0] | Read Data Bus                 from FPGA
        .WBs_ACK                   ( WBs_ACK                        ), // input         | Transfer Cycle Acknowledge    from FPGA

        // SDMA Signals
        .SDMA_Req                  ( {3'b000, 1'b0}                 ), // input   [3:0]
        .SDMA_Sreq                 ( 4'b0000                        ), // input   [3:0]
        .SDMA_Done                 (                                ), // output  [3:0]
        .SDMA_Active               (                                ), // output  [3:0]

        // FB Interrupts
        .FB_msg_out                ( {1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, FPGA_INTR[0]}), // input   [3:0]
        .FB_Int_Clr                ( 8'h0                           ), // input   [7:0]
        .FB_Start                  (                                ), // output
        .FB_Busy                   ( 1'b0                           ), // input

        // FB Clocks
        .Sys_Clk0                  ( Sys_Clk0                       ), // output
        .Sys_Clk0_Rst              ( Sys_Clk0_Rst                   ), // output
        .Sys_Clk1                  ( Sys_Clk1                       ), // output
        .Sys_Clk1_Rst              ( Sys_Clk1_Rst                   ), // output

        // Packet FIFO
        .Sys_PKfb_Clk              (  1'b0                          ), // input
        .Sys_PKfb_Rst              (                                ), // output
        .FB_PKfbData               ( 32'h0                          ), // input  [31:0]
        .FB_PKfbPush               (  4'h0                          ), // input   [3:0]
        .FB_PKfbSOF                (  1'b0                          ), // input
        .FB_PKfbEOF                (  1'b0                          ), // input
        .FB_PKfbOverflow           (                                ), // output

        // Sensor Interface
        .Sensor_Int                (                                ), // output  [7:0]
        .TimeStamp                 (                                ), // output [23:0]

        // SPI Master APB Bus
        .Sys_Pclk                  (                                ), // output
        .Sys_Pclk_Rst              (                                ), // output      <-- Fixed to add "_Rst"
        .Sys_PSel                  (  1'b0                          ), // input
        .SPIm_Paddr                ( 16'h0                          ), // input  [15:0]
        .SPIm_PEnable              (  1'b0                          ), // input
        .SPIm_PWrite               (  1'b0                          ), // input
        .SPIm_PWdata               ( 32'h0                          ), // input  [31:0]
        .SPIm_Prdata               (                                ), // output [31:0]
        .SPIm_PReady               (                                ), // output
        .SPIm_PSlvErr              (                                ), // output

        // Misc
        .Device_ID                 ( Device_ID                      ), // input  [15:0]

        // FBIO Signals
        .FBIO_In                   (                                ), // output [13:0] <-- Do Not make any connections; Use Constraint manager in SpDE to sFBIO
        .FBIO_In_En                (                                ), // input  [13:0] <-- Do Not make any connections; Use Constraint manager in SpDE to sFBIO
        .FBIO_Out                  (                                ), // input  [13:0] <-- Do Not make any connections; Use Constraint manager in SpDE to sFBIO
        .FBIO_Out_En               (                                ), // input  [13:0] <-- Do Not make any connections; Use Constraint manager in SpDE to sFBIO

        // ???
        .SFBIO                     (                                ), // inout  [13:0]
        .Device_ID_6S              ( 1'b0                           ), // input
        .Device_ID_4S              ( 1'b0                           ), // input
        .SPIm_PWdata_26S           ( 1'b0                           ), // input
        .SPIm_PWdata_24S           ( 1'b0                           ), // input
        .SPIm_PWdata_14S           ( 1'b0                           ), // input
        .SPIm_PWdata_11S           ( 1'b0                           ), // input
        .SPIm_PWdata_0S            ( 1'b0                           ), // input
        .SPIm_Paddr_8S             ( 1'b0                           ), // input
        .SPIm_Paddr_6S             ( 1'b0                           ), // input
        .FB_PKfbPush_1S            ( 1'b0                           ), // input
        .FB_PKfbData_31S           ( 1'b0                           ), // input
        .FB_PKfbData_21S           ( 1'b0                           ), // input
        .FB_PKfbData_19S           ( 1'b0                           ), // input
        .FB_PKfbData_9S            ( 1'b0                           ), // input
        .FB_PKfbData_6S            ( 1'b0                           ), // input
        .Sys_PKfb_ClkS             ( 1'b0                           ), // input
        .FB_BusyS                  ( 1'b0                           ), // input
        .WB_CLKS                   ( 1'b0                           )  // input

This '"cell_macro" is used for generating needed SoC clocks and many other control signals for many mofdules of chip. But using this cell_macro prevents performing simulation of FPGA project because "cell_macro" is black-box. I wasn't able to find description of this construct and Verilog model for it. Now I am developing a bit more complex modules in Verilog and doing simulation is important for me.
Could somebody help me with this problem?

Thanks in advance and Regards