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symbiflow install issue

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2024 7:56 pm
by xyphro

I was very enthusiastic about the product, but after many hours I need help and motivation. Please help me :-)

I followed the instructions here: ... -toolchain

All fine so far... but when trying to build the counter example as shown in the instructions I get an error:
ERROR: TCL interpreter returned an error: Yosys command produced an error

And when looking into the logfile I see this here:

ERROR: Can't open input file `/home/xyphro/symbiflow/conda/bin/../share/quicklogic/cells_sim.v' for reading: No such file or directory

INSTALL_DIR is correctly set... but indeed the above path does not exist. Where does symbiflow get this path from?

(base) xyphro@C3Air:~/symbiflow/quicklogic-arch-defs/tests/counter_16bit/build$ echo $INSTALL_DIR

I just see that there were no updates since 3 years in the symbiflow repository. Is this outdated? Or is the product dead?

Best regards,
