how to place PASIC1 in qd-pl6884 ADAPTER

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Joined: Fri Jul 29, 2022 3:59 pm

A very silly question.

The Adapter QD-PL6884 on the Dek Fab Prommer should be OK to programm The PASIC1 but:

How the PASIC1 (QL8x12B-0PL68C) have to be placed in the Adapter of the DEskfab Prommer.

Pin 1 of the QL8x12B-oPL68C the is in the center of the chip. The Pin 1 mark on the Adapter is at the edge.
The more, in the old Promer QP-84 P I found a doc where the chip has to be placed upside down in the Adapter.
I just have few of the chip ANd I donw want to try evere possible placement.

Someone oas a dok which shows how the PASIC1 have to be placed in the QD-PL6884 Adapter of the prommer


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